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Our Book

Book CoverPublished in 2010, and now in its second printing, Growing Roses in Calgary contains everything you need to know about growing roses in our city. This award winning book is recognized worldwide as the gold standard resource for growing roses in inclement climates. Our rosarian friends in both Poland and Iceland have found it to be invaluable.

The book is 150 pages long with nearly 300 color photos and illustrations. It covers developing a rose garden, how to winterize tender roses, how to combat diseases and much more.

Our book continues to be the best resource for the amateur gardener wanting to cultivate roses in Calgary. It also makes a great gift for both new and experienced gardeners.

The cost of our book is $20.00, however a discounted price of $15.00 is available to members. You may use the online payment form below to order your copy or use the Contact Us Tab on this site.

Please note, we do not mail out copies of the book within the City of Calgary. Once you have processed an online purchase of our book you will be contacted by a member of our management team to discuss the nearest location for you to pick up your order.  Calgary is a very large spread out city now so if there is no pick up location within driving distance of your home we will discuss mailing options with you.

The Calgary Rose Society is a volunteer driven organization.  We aim to respond to book sales within 24 hours but sometimes schedules do not allow for this.  Thank you for your patience and understanding if  you wait a little longer to hear from us.

For international or bulk orders please email us at for a quote and to arrange shipping.

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Members of the Calgary Rose Society also receive our monthly newsletter “Rose Round-Up” which includes society news plus educational articles.  This publication is only available to members and if you are interested in joining, click here.